Monday, August 23, 2021


 Last night I had a beautiful conversation with my daughter.  School starts tomorrow.  She's a senior and very nervous.  This is the wisdom she shared with me. "Social anxiety is a form of pride."  Wow!  That is kind of harsh, but so true.  What is the root of social anxiety?  Fear of looking stupid in front of other people.  Fear that someone might see you as less than perfect.  What right do we have to expect ourselves to be perfect?  Would we cast the same judgment on others that we cast on ourselves?  I guess sometimes we do, but that is pride too.  Perfection is in this same category.  We expect ourselves to be perfect all the time?  What kind of ridiculousness is that?  Only Jesus is perfect.  Only Jesus can make us perfect.  To imagine that I can make myself perfect is a form of self worship, idolatry.  Mistakes are part of the plan.  There is no salvation without the humility that says, "I make mistakes and that's ok.  It doesn't change my value and it doesn't disqualify me for love or salvation.  And I extend that same grace to everyone else too."

Take a risk.  Try something you know you might be really bad at.  Apologize when necessary and stop apologizing when it isn't.  Don't make excuses.  Learn to be comfortable with discomfort.  Be brave.  There is no courage without fear.  Fear and worry are not enemies to be avoided.  They are companions who remind us to be kind to the child in side us and and everyone else.  Mistakes are part of the plan.  Learn from them.  Work to correct them.  Offer love and grace, no matter what.

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